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Garden of the Mind- Keeping bad thoughts out, good in…

3 One Minute Secrets to Success
Good thoughts, bad thoughts:

Garden of the Mind

One minute secret to success:
Mind Garden

Have you ever noticed how sometimes a garden has a fence around it? Why does it have
a fence?  Well, it’s there to keep the bad stuff out and the good stuff in, right?
This is what fences are for, this is what boundaries are for, keeping the good in
and the bad out. When we want abundant produce we prepare the soil, pull the weeds
and throw them out, and plant the seeds of the good things we want to see, feel,
smell, and taste.

Your mind is like this garden, too. Except sometimes we get confused and keep the
good thoughts out and the bad in. Tend the garden of your mind carefully, pull the
weeds of negative, fearful, and unhelpful thoughts, and throw them outside the
fence. Plant the seeds of your dreams and hopes, thoughts that feel good, by taking
a few moments daily to reflect on your dreams and imagine them coming true in as
much detail as you can. If a drought comes give them more water. If a freeze comes
don’t lie in a bed of weeds and despair, pull out those weeds and plant some new
seeds. Keep it up and you can’t help but be successful living in the garden of your


Have faith the seeds will grow with your care and produce fruit and flowers.

Planting Seeds

How to plant seeds 101- Dream Book
How to make your dreams come true in ten minutes a day:
Get yourself a book you really like with blank pages in it. Start writing your
dreams, one per page. Draw symbols or images to go with each dream, or paste in a
photograph, or go to google images and pick and print an image sized for the dream
page it goes with. Review your dreams and study the images each morning when you
wake up and each night right before you go to sleep.

Get a list of cognitive distortions, practice worksheets, short videos, and instructions in the free Mindgarden mini-course by clicking here.