Looking for a cognitive behavioral counselor in Georgetown, Round Rock, Cedar Park?

A cognitive behavioral counselor in Georgetown, Round Rock, Cedar Park teaches how our thoughts are so powerful, they create our feelings and our experience of reality. Your brain is making thoughts all the time. Some of them are true, some are not. There are specific categories of thinking errors that can be learned and applied to our thoughts so we can detect and correct inaccurate thoughts with thoughts that are more true, less extreme, and in most cases, feel better.
Keep reading if you are considering cognitive behavioral therapy in Georgetown, Round Rock, or Cedar Park area. An example of a thinking error category is Overgeneralization. “My Mom NEVER lets me do ANYTHING I want to do.” If that is your thought, and you believe it, well, that’s probably going to be upsetting. You may end up being pretty nasty to your mom thinking this thought. But if you learn to question and recognize the error, you can also learn to replace the thought, or talk back to it. “Well, sometimes my mom doesn’t let me do what I want, and sometimes she does.”
Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most research supported, valid, and reliable methods of counseling, especially for anxiety and depression. Can it work with kids? You bet. See the link below for an article about how I do cognitive behavioral therapy in kid-friendly ways. Can a cognitive behavioral counselor in Georgetown, Round Rock, Cedar Park help a child or adult with ADHD or Autism? Yes again. I do this pretty much every day and have for nearly 30 years.
A cognitive behavioral counselor can teach thinking skills to help with self-esteem (I never do anything right vs. Everybody makes mistakes, or most of the time I get things right), emotional control (I can’t stand this, My Dad shouldn’t treat me this way, vs I can handle it), and overcoming all kinds of obstacles (I’m no good at Math, I do badly on tests.)
Cognitive behavioral counseling- Start replacing needless suffering today by scheduling your first appointment right here in my website or by calling Brad Mason, LPC, LPA, LSSP at 512-636-6250.