I want to know how to get the most out of my counseling session Be honest. This is private, so don’t exclude things that might be keeping you from doing better or causing you problems. There is no need to worry, we can’t tell anyone unless it’s […]
Read more →Success Stories (Scroll down to see cute illustrated images of Success Story examples!) Success Stories are a way to help someone overcome emotional or behavioral challenges by focusing on the positive over the negative. They may have Autism, anxiety, ADHD, or other challenges. Success Stories are based […]
Read more →Three guidelines for stating rules that increase compliance in children Ever start to feel like a broken record? Have you considered recording those instructions and reminders you say to kids again and again? Don’t throw things in the house! Have you done your homework? Leave your brother […]
Read more →Building Self-esteem and Confidence: Pay Attention to the Positives Make a list of everything positive you have done in your life. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now take a look at what you have done. Does this help you feel more confident? What else would build your confidence? Would you […]
Read more →Defective Communication Patterns (which rob couples and families of their power) Do you live on a one-way street or a two-way street? Conversation Killers Psychic Assumptions– Rather than discover and explore what someone else really thinks, the Psychic likes to make up what others think. This way […]
Read more →Caregiver Stress Inventory
Caregiver Stress Inventory Rate from 1-5 where 1= not true and 5= extremely true ___ I don’t sleep well enough. ___ I drink too much. ___ I need drugs to get through this. ___ I don’t exercise enough. ___ I don’t have time or energy for friendships. […]
Read more →Oppositional-defiant disorder behavior- Do we create this by accident?
Do you get faced with Oppositional-defiant disorder behavior often? I think we sometimes influence kids to act this way by the way we interact with them. Our conventional wisdom about discipline dictates we pay attention when they misbehave. What does the child who doesn’t sit still and […]
Read more →How we wreck kids from the inside out. What can happen with ADHD and self-esteem. https://vimeo.com/160608811 ADHD and self-esteem, how do we keep it up, and what tears it down? “Worst Grandfather in the World” is what I call the story in the video below. This is […]
Read more →Have enough strategies for kids who struggle? ADHD, Autism, Anger, Anxiety, Giftedness
Silly question, right? How can you ever have enough to stop the madness when it comes to the ways adults often interact with children who have differences? We can make it better. We can train adults in more loving and effective methods, and we can teach […]
Read more →Ever wonder why people get “stuck?” Is it fear of change? Staying in the comfort zone of what you have gotten used to, even if it’s not really what you want and dream of? Listening to the internal critic and pessimism, resigning yourself to helplessness, in effect […]
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